Project NameProject Management Project, Phase 2
Project Managervacant

If it takes 3 monkeys 4 days to build an igloo
then how long will it take 3 eskimos to build a banana tree?

Project Definition

The project ledger that led here will become the top level of a multi-user project design and management system. I would like to see a system that allows members to put up the vaguest ideas of a project, others to read it, comment on it, someone to take control of it, firm it up, place it before the funding committee, produce a logical design, do entity anlysis, assemble a team, create specs, allocate task and maintain a project room. This is a long way from what we have now and, as far as I know there is nothing like this on our platform (and even the other platforms' tools suck big time!). We need this and we need it to be good enough that people will use it.

That is the vision. The phase 2 reality is that I would like someone to take this on as an ongoing project. The phase 2 deliverables should be a viewing and maintenance subsystem for the existing project ledger and a high level logical analysis for how we will develop this system. I would love to head this up but do not have enough time. I would like to put myself down on the team such as a design consultant as I have already specced out many ideas for such a system.

Team member list

Fleecy - consultant

Logical Design Specification

Not done yet.

Physical Implementation

To complement the long term strategy of moving to a Content Repository, the data should be kept separate and the HTML pages should be assembled dynamically. Be aware also that in accordance with our multi-language requirements, all data stored as text will require dynamic size storing. P2 will probably not see the full language solution we need but keep an eye on the Language Project and design/code in a manner friendly to it.

Project Diary

10 April 1997

Project spec completed.

All pages on this web site are copyright 1998 Jay Miner Society.