28 November 1997

www.jms.org joins the Amiga RC5 Team

The JMS web site now carries a button for the Amiga RC5 Team. Here's some information about what that actually means:

The Amiga RC5 Team effort

What is this all about?

The RSA Secret Key Challenge is about the need for stronger encryption for the Internet to safeguard privacy. To prove this need and to prove that current encryption strengths are insufficient the RSA has started a challenge to crack the DES and RC5 algorithms (RC5 in several different strengths) and tied an award of up to $10,000 US to each key found. Several combined efforts have sprung up to crack these keys by using the distributed power of computers in a brute force approach over the Internet, so far cracking the DES key and the first three RC5 keys. We aim to participate in this effort for the sake of exposure for the Amiga.

How does it all work?

Basically, go to the Amiga RC5 Team headquarters at http://homepage.cistron.nl/~ttavoly/rc5/ and read. Follow the instructions there, and join the team. There is no damage to your system, there is no loss in performance. The program simply uses your processor, when you are not. Any machine can help, even if you also have a PC. All work will be attributed to the Amiga RC5 Team effort.

The result? We have a collective processing power around the world, that is totally unmatched in a single super computer.