19 October 1997

IPISA 97 conference

Here's the announcement we got from the IPISA 97 committee:

Seventh Edition - November 29 and 30, 1997 - Milan, Italy

IPISA - http://bilbo.di.unipi.it/ipisa/

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm from the Organizing Committee of IPISA, an annual computer conference that is held in Milan, Italy.

This year the conference program features over 27 talks, and among them:

Be Europe - Paris, France
BeOS Preview Release Demo (PowerPC and Intel versions)

Thomas Bushnell - Free Software Foundation, Cambridge, Mass., United States
HURD: The GNU Operating System

Richard Stallman - Free Software Foundation, Cambridge, Mass., United States
The GNU Project: its mission, its history, and its future plans

Sun Microsystems
The Java Platform (TM)

Aaron Digulla et al. - Konstanz, Germany
AROS: Amiga Replacement OS Project

Optimizing software for the PowerPC Amiga
and platform independent development

Urban Müller - Switzerland
Aminet, or: How to bring Power to the People

Wouter van Oortmerssen - The Netherlands
Aardappel Programming Language and Amiga E update

You are formally invited to IPISA '97: we look forward to your participation, as well as for suggestions and comments.

On our web page: http://bilbo.di.unipi.it/ipisa/ you should find everything you need to know about IPISA, some pictures and maps, and how to attend it.

We understand that we are telling you a bit too late. Sorry about that: we hope to get a positive feedback from you anyway.

Best regards,

Sergio Ruocco - ruoccos@comm2000.it